Friday, April 3, 2009

Based on Current Situation

1. Drink: Heineken
2. Food: Peanuts is fine
3. School: Hell
4. Your CRUSH: None.
5. Power Rangers: COOL but remakes plain stink.
6. Life: Sucks
7. The President: Of Singapore Oughta Make Life Better For SGP Kids.
8. Yummy: To Hell You Go.
9. Cars: English Stupid Project.
10. Movie: Who Cares Now.
11. Halloween: freddy Krueger!
12. World: Geo Challenge
13. Bed: Sleep.
14. Hate: ....
15. Fear: None Yet.
16. Marriage: Never This Year.
17. Teacher: LIARS
18. Slippers: Great.
19. Shoes: Fuck My Mother FOr Not letting me buy.
20. Asians: Need to Use Their Brains.
21. Pass time: sniff glue mann.
22. Save the world: aftr saving yourself.
23. My cell Phone: next to me duh -_-
24. Smoke: is hott.
25. Fantasy: brain dead
26. College: temasek poly.
27. School life: Useless. meaningless. tactless. lifeless.
28. Pajamas: redundant. i can just sleep in uniform
29. Stars: are stories told to bluff kids.
30. Center: Self-centered.
31. Alcohol: Beer.
32. The word love: is vague.
33. Friends: dun have in cedar. no true blue close to heart one at least.
34. Money: makes the world go round.
35. Heartache: ...
36. Time: wasted.
37. Divorce: Money earned.
38. Dogs: makan.
39. Cats: target practice.
40. Parents: dad is the best. the other should just go fuck old baldies.
41. Babies: smelly n cute.
42. Games: the athletes are bitches in my class.
43. Song: Music
44. Color: Black.
45. Weddings: grand
46. Pizza: cheat $
47. Hangout: At home.
48. Rest: Sleep.
49. Goal: Soccer.
50. Inspiration: short stories. chinese ones.

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